The Virtue of Justice is the Foundation of Relationship

The Virtue of Justice is the Foundation of Relationship

Growth in the virtue of justice begins with our relationships with the people closest to us. It is the constant habit of giving to each person what is owed. Commutative justice is a fancy word for exercising this virtue between individual persons. The simplest form of commutative justice deals with the payment of debts. But…

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The Virtue of Justice: Key to Maximum Relationships

The Virtue of Justice: Key to Maximum Relationships

The Catholic spiritual life is ultimately about relationships. First is our relationship with God. We strive to cooperate with grace in order to grow toward perfection in our love for the Holy Trinity. Secondly, we are called to love our neighbor, which really means to love our brothers and sisters in the Family of God.…

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Does Spiritual Growth Mean Being Poor?

What exactly is the role of money in God’s plan for our spiritual growth? The Second Vatican Council warned us about the growing gap between our faith and our everyday lives. As disciples of Christ, we are called to sanctify every aspect of life for the authentic† development of human life and for the glory…

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Supernatural Moral Virtues: Fortitude

We saw how spiritual growth will require us to grow in the moral virtues, including the virtue of fortitude to tackle evil in the world. We also saw how the virtue of fortitude can help our spiritual growth by giving us the courage we need to look into our hearts and to change our lives.…

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Supernatural Temperance and the Joy of Steak

Supernatural Temperance and Catholic Spiritual Growth: the Joy of Steak

Spiritual growth includes becoming fully human, and that is why we need the virtue of natural temperance. Natural temperance is the virtue of balancing our desires for created goods according to our needs. As a natural virtue, temperance exercises our free will over our physical desires. It, therefore, leads to greater freedom and helps us…

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4 Myths About the Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude

4 Myths About the Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude

Fortitude, the cardinal virtue of moral courage, is an important but largely neglected part of spiritual growth. We often assume that some people are born with fortitude and other people are not. Or we assume that courage is only necessary for specific, limited circumstances. So let’s begin our exploration of fortitude by busting a few…

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The Virtue of Prudence: Choosing the Greatest Good

The Virtue of Prudence: Man facing a brick wall covered with post-it-notes with question marks on them.

What does it mean to nurture the moral virtue of prudence? A big part of it is to carefully consider and intentionally move toward the best possible good. Prudence is the cardinal virtue of identifying authentic human good and making a plan to attain it. There are three stages of prudence: Step 1: Examining your…

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